This is a great card trick with a story.
The jack's are bored and want to build a big party.
[deal the four jacks face up in separated piles]
Because they are just with four, they invite some friends.
[Deal a King face up on top of each Jack randomly]
It is a nice party and they were drinking a lot of beer. In the mean while one of the kings invited some girls to join the party.
[Deal the Queens on the Kings]
It is getting along good this time, but neighbors complained because of the noise and very loud music.
The cops arrived and all of them had to go to jail.
[Deal the Aces on the piles in the same way as the previous cards]
All of them were moved in the police cars. Bringing them to the police station.
[pick up every pile of cards and put them on each other so you have one pile]
On the way to the police station an accident happens and all the people are mixed up.
[ask the audience to make COMPLETE CUTS as many times as they want]
[Deal four cards face down onto the table left to right, then four on top of those, and so on until you have four piles of four cards each]
Finish your story with: "Even though they were separated in the accident, when they arrived at the station they were," As you say the next part turnover all four piles, "All Together!!!"
You will see that the all of the aces, kings, queens, and jacks are all in their own separate piles together!!!
Use this trick as many times you like. It works every time.
This is another explanation of how to do card tricks.
We'll keep in touch.