I'm not lonely anymore and friends like me for my tricks, but also like me because I am who I am.
So this is the explanation of the trick:
The Effect:
In the diagram below the pattern of th 12 cards placed on the bar (using any red and black cards from the deck).

Ask someone to secretly pick any BLACK card. You tell him the story and let him do some several secret random moves, you are able to tell them which card they have moved to in the end.
The Secret:
Tell your audience member to pick any black card. Tell them to next move UP or DOWN to the nearest RED card. Next, tell them to move LEFT or RIGHT to the nearest BLACK card. Next, tell them to move DIAGONALLY To the Nearest RED card. Finally, tell them to move UP or DOWN to the nearest BLACK card. If you follow these directions carefully, your audience member will always end up on the MIDDLE CARD ON THE BOTTOM ROW.
So this is ONE trick where I explained how to do card tricks. Want to know more?
Please keep in touch with my blog.